Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A whole year!!

A year ago today I started this blog to follow my flames of war gaming. It wasn't the best year for Flames of war here but we are still holding on and playing on a weekly basis. Also anyone who has been following for even a minute or two has probably realized by now That I suffer from a severe case of the Ooh Shiny syndrome, So I just want to Thank you all for bearing with me this year And I look forward to 2012 bringing us all more hobby and gaming...............oh whats that..........Ooh Shiny...............

looking forward to another great year!


  1. Congrats on the year and that's a damn good goatee!

  2. Congratulations of the first milestone. And I sympathize with the Ooh Shiny syndrome... I have it bad and I believe there is no cure.

  3. Nice one Matt, as for the ooh Shiny syndrome, watch out its highly contagious!

  4. Thanks guys. Ray, it has to be as I caught it from somewhere, I refuse to take any responsibility for it myself.
