It has been said that I have too many different hobbies, and its true. I not only paint minis build models and play games but I also have a classic car and a militaria collection to keep me occupied and my wallet empty. Today I went to the NYS militaria Collectors Association show. I Collect about anything from the second world war and earlier with a strong focus on WW2. Today I picked up a small grouping which consists of a single dogtag a marksmanship badge (with rifle tab) and a combat infantryman's badge.
nice small U.S. Grouping |
Its a nice grouping of fairly common items but having them all come from the same GI makes a nice set.
I also picked up a German Wound badge, this is similar to the U.S. Purple heart and came in 3 grades depending on the number of wounds received in combat, they came in Black, Silver and gold.
Wound badge |
This is the post 1942 version of the silver wound badge, it is cast in a whitewashed zinc. it looks darker in the above picture than it actually is.
And finally I picked up a Tin of 50 German Atikah Cigarettes which is still sealed, its an odd item but I doubt I will ever see another and I just couldn't pass it up.
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